• Ram Test

    Jul 24 2017 at 7:48 am

    69 years old patient. Necrosis on the first lower PM with a carious lesion in the cervical area.
    RCT previously initiated by a student who had a lot of difficulties to
    perform the pre-endo build-up and to manage the lingual canal that’s why
    the patient was referred to me. The canals were very narrow in the
    apical part with the fork at mid-length…
    RCT performed this morning. After RC shaping (WO Gold), I readjusted the
    master cones after observation of the intraoperative xray (the buccal
    was too long and the lingual short on the xray).
    The patient has been sent back to the student and the prosthetic department after root canal obturation.

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