• Ram Test

    Aug 19 2017 at 7:08 am

    A 21 year old male presented for root canal treatment for tooth #19.
    ASAI, Dx as previously initiated with asymptomatic apical periodontitis.
    there was a paste filling in the canal which was hard to remove. During
    instrumentation and removing the paste 15/04 file was separated in the
    DL canal, couldn’t bypass. Scan was taken.C&S was completed up to
    35/04. Ca(OH)2 was placed as intracranial medication. Next visit: WVC,
    Composite filling.
    Surgery was planned to remove the uninstrumented part of the DL canal.
    Flap design: papilla preserved flap. 3mm apicotomy + 3mm retro prep
    which were filled with BC sealer and putty. bone graft, membrane and

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