Jan 20 2022 at 10:00 pm
1 years old Male patient, ASA 1, presented for evaluation and treatment of tooth no 3+7+24.
Clinical examination: fhf
Radiographic examination: hfh
Diagnosis: Normal pulp+Asymptomatic irreversible Pulpitis+Previously initiated with Asymptomatic apical periodontitis+Asymptomatic apical periodontitis+Condensing Osteitis
Treatment plan: Initial Treatment+Retreatment+Apical Surgery.Following anesthesia and rubber dam placement, Conservative access was performed and 2 canals were located.
During treatment, Vertical Root Fracture were identified.
Procedural errors during treatment: Gutta Percha Extrusion
Instrumentation and irrigation protocol: fhfh
Canals were obturated using Single Cone
Restoration: Core placement
Treatment was completed in 3 visits.Pre-treatment Mishaps: Broken instrument
Following anesthesia and rubber dam placement, Conservative access was performed and 2 were located.
During treatment. Crack were identified. I gauged the tooth during treatment.
Instrumentation and irrigation protocol: ryrtyt
Canals were obturated using Warm Vertical technique
Restoration: Post & core placement
Treatment was completed in 4 visits.Following anesthesia, Sub-Marginal incision extending from tooth #…….. to tooth #. ……..
Osteotomy performed and lesion removed.
2 Roots resected. 3mm retro-preparation were performed and MTA were used as a retro-filling material.
Apico marginal defect: Yes
Through & through lesion No
Bone graft placement: Yes
Membrane placement: Yes
Flap was sutured back in place using ryryrty