• Ram Test

    Apr 6 2022 at 8:28 am

    23 years old Male patient, ASA 2, presented for evaluation and treatment of tooth no 3.
    Clinical examination:  asdas
    Radiographic examination:  asdsdas
    Diagnosis: Previously treated with Chronic apical abscess
    Treatment plan: Apical Surgery and Extraction.Following anesthesia, Sulcular incision extending from tooth #……2.. to tooth #. 5……..
    Osteotomy performed and lesion removed.
    2 Roots resected. 3mm retro-preparation were performed and Biodentine were used as a retro-filling material.
    Apico marginal defect: Yes
    Through & through lesion Yes
    Bone graft placement: No
    Membrane placement: No
    Flap was sutured back in place using  sdasd asd

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